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Ignite Revival



Bible Study Series

“Life Eternal”

The Power of God through the Blood of the Cross

by Connie Stoffel

In our Bible, God has clearly established a plan of salvation for our lives. There is no doubt about whom His Son is and what His life and death has cost. Yet what is even more powerful, His resurrection and what it has accomplished. It’s all about the Blood, the precious life giving Blood of Jesus, it’s our covering!

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Cherubim are found in the Most Holy Place and are a covering for the Mercy Seat. God Himself sits enthroned between these cherubim. It’s the place where God and His glory dwell. This means Lucifer was in the very presence of God! With such wisdom and anointing what could possibly cause Lucifer to sin against the God that created him? Can you imagine the implications of this angel of light rebelling against the one and only, “I AM THAT I AM”?  READ MORE . . .

Many people have asked the question, “Did God "create sin" because He created Satan? I firmly believe that God DID NOT create sin. But He did give His creation the freedom of choice. Free will means, “the power to choose for or against something”. Satan had every opportunity and the choice to remain loyal to God, or to rebel against Him. His rebellion was not the fault of God, but the result of his own free choice.

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At every possible opportunity, Satan will place temptations before us in an attempt to cause us to sin. He can’t force sin upon us, he can only tempt us to yield to it. The Bible says that we are tempted in three areas: the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye, and the pride of life.(1 John 2:16) This covers every sin in the book! The problem comes, when we choose to yield to the temptation of sin, no one else is responsible for our choice to sin, we have to own it!  READ MORE . . .


As His church, we must return to the truth that there is freedom, power, victory, healing and miracles in what Christ has accomplished on the Cross. He has called us to know His Word, know His will and take His message of redemption to a world that is in bondage to the enemy. We are not to receive the worlds message of bondage unto ourselves! We are called to be a display of God’s glory and are encouraged to be raised up in His holy power with signs and miracles. His mighty power is something that cannot be ignored or denied by any man! They can reject it, but they can not deny it! Where is the victory in the Christian life today? READ MORE . . . 

We were created to live forever. Adam and Eve lived with the lifeblood and Spirit of God in them until the lifeblood and Spirit of God left them through their choice to sin. That was their death sentence! The only answer could be that of divine love and intervention. God had to immediately shed the blood of an animal to make a covering for them. This shedding of blood that God provided had an implication of death and an implication of sacrifice. But why? Why did there have to be the death of a living thing and why did God have to use blood to cover sin? In God’s great wisdom and His purest love He knew exactly what needed to be done for fallen man.  READ MORE . . .

God can be trusted, and if Jesus trusted His Father's plan, so should we! What amazing love! Because of Jesus’ trust and obedience to His Father and the willingness of His heart to shed His sinless Blood, our sins are not only forgiven, but cleansed and cast as far as the East is from the West. (Psalm 103:11-12) Through His obedience, willingness and trust, something wonderful happened at Calvary that day. His sinless Blood satisfied the wrath of a Holy God. The plan of God was revealed that day in all its glory and perfection.  READ MORE . . . 

As believers, we need to not only place a significant emphasis on the love of God but we also need to continue to place a significant emphasis on the value of the precious Blood of Jesus. We need to take seriously the importance of the “Power of the Blood” and believe in it’s ability to continue to transform and change the lives of those around us. The precious Blood to the “perishing” if accepted, will redeem them. To those of us that are “saved” the precious Blood, if accessed and applied, will continue to work alongside the Holy Spirit in great power transforming us into the image and likeness of Christ. The application of the blood of Jesus to our lives, as believers, provides us a safe place where we can actually be spiritually transformed.  READ MORE . . . 

As His children, we should be proud of, and known by the Blood of the Lamb that has been applied to our lives. We must remember that what God sees when He looks at us is the Blood of His Son! It is very important that we recognize our standing in this world as blood bought, blood covered, power filled children of the Most High God. With that in mind, the enemy of our soul, Satan, will also see the Blood when he looks upon us. READ MORE . . . 

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